Basic full grooming
Our Sparkling Signature is a basic full grooming package delivering your dog incredible styling results!
Anal Glands(Only by request )
It is not included in this service . Will be $10 extra
and sparkling
What includes?
Hydro surge
Hydro surge infused shampoo bath
Coat conditioner
Dry + Brushing
Hand dry and brushing
Delicate nail grinder
Paw pad
Paw pad hair trim
Private area
Trim private(s) area(s)
Facial massage
Gentle ear cleaning
Cologne + Bow
Cologne & perfume, and bandana or bow

No cages,
only love.
We understand how stressful or scary grooming can be to some dogs. Lollipaws Grooming provides a truly individualized service to each dog that comes through. It’s a one-on-one service and we only take a few dogs at a time. Our calm environment is enhanced with relaxing background music, and delicious treats. Your dog will feel better and at ease where seeing us will not be a fright anymore! Our furry babies leave happy!.
Learn more about our groomers.
Loving animals
We are all certified groomers with years of love and experience, it truly shows in our work. We work diligently, lovingly and responsibly to provide the very best grooming care possible to your pets. Learn more about our team of expert groomers on staff.
Learn more about our groomers.
To get the most out of your pets appoinment, We recommend the following to schedule according to your pets needs. Please read the following instructions to schedule an appoinment with us.

1. Select service
Check our complete list of services to choose the best to meet your pets needs of grooming.

2. Call/Text for your Appoinment
Call or text us ready to choose the service(s) you would like to schedule. We are happy to answer any additional questions you may have .

3. LP team ready!
We welcome you and your furry baby upon arrival for your scheduled service.

4. Furry Baby is ready!
You will get a text or call when your baby is ready !
Thank you for visiting with us, your visits are our favorite !

Small starts
Under 20 Pounds

Medium starts
21-39 Pounds

Large starts
40-69 Pounds

X Large starts
70-89 Pounds

XX Large
90 Pounds +
Regular maintenance.
These services are designed for dogs that are on a regular maintenance schedule, between 1-6 weeks apart. After this allotted time frame regular grooming pricing may not be applicable.
Please note pricing may depend on level of difficulty and efforts to complete a grooming session. Additional charges may be applicable on top of standard grooming rates.
Puppies extra fee
Puppies need to start coming in for grooming after their first vaccination, usually around 8 weeks to 12 weeks old. It is important that puppies get used to the grooming process. Learn more in our F.A.Q section.
Senior fee
(10 YEARS AND OLDER) As dogs age their grooming needs evolve with them, older dogs could experience some sort of discomfort or pain, they could be vulnerable or sensitive to some techniques, sounds, tools and may not be able to stand for long periods of time. Our senior babies require a little more love, tenderness and understanding, we are happy to provide this for them. Learn more in our F.A.Q section.